Electric power has been imposing on electricity networks with the increasing growth of electronic devices. After the advent of electromagnetic technology in the 1980s, goals had set on the systems protection and control technologies development.

The network was needed to quickly respond to changes in energy in the grid and the flow of electricity where digital substations have created.

Digital substations are known as electrical substations in which the distribution operation distribute by intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). Without a doubt, digital posts are a significant step in how to manage and transport energy.

The IEC61850 standard is an international standard for the systems and telecommunication networks that manage the ability to exchange information between intelligent devices.

The ability to exchange data means the ability to exchange information and use it for proper coordination between two or more basic smart devices whose manufacturer is the same or different.

This IEC61850 standard is constantly developing so as the new technologies introduction will lead to the renewal and evolution of substations.

Future of digital substation

Digitization of substations means increasing their efficiency by using new technologies, methods, and processes. The digital substation has advantages over the traditional posts, such as lower capital and operating costs, greater integration, and security.

The advantages of digital posts can as following:

  • Cost

When discussing investments and operating costs, the most significant factor in reducing costs is reducing the copper cables use, which is one of the benefits of digital mail. Using NCIT technology also saves space and weight.

From an operational view, using data analysis and evaluation, network control, equipment maintenance result in reducing costs and improving performance.

  • Security

Cyber-security is one of the concerns of organizations. They are constantly dealing with cyber threats by using new technologies.

Power grid infrastructure is one of the most significant infrastructures of any society though attacking them can have devastating consequences.

Optimized digital mail allows systems to integrate without compromising network security, and this is one of the benefits of digital substations.

  • Safety

The digital substation has created a safe work environment by eliminating the electrical connection between high voltage equipment and control and protection equipment. The risk of electric shock has decreased significantly, which had not achieved at traditional posts.

Manage electricity distribution using new technologies

Naturally, with the advent of any technology, there are also commercial and technical challenges such as configuring, maintaining and supplying spare parts.

From a technical view, digital substations are accepted with all advantages and disadvantages as the future path to the power industry. As an activist in the electrical and equipment industry, Blue&p has focused on the technical aspects of exploring the benefits of digital mail.

The advantages of digital mail include the following:

  • Ability to integrate systems produced by different vendors
  • Ability to communicate level by level at high speed
  • Reduce the need for CT cores
  • Reduce the need for control cables
  • Reduce reconstruction time due to cable theft

Digital mail technology has increased modernization by providing the necessary facilities and capital benefits, reducing the cost of construction, operation, and maintenance of mail. The electrical industry, using new technologies, has applied these technologies and upgraded power plant systems to meet industrial needs.


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